A Distant Light™ - International Introductions and Tours
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Upcoming Tour:
Odessa/Nikolaev/Kherson July 20 2017

Click here for the reservation form with a complete list of tour dates and prices

Click here to view recent Odessa Tour photos

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Watch these exciting videos from our
May, 2012 - 6 City Ukraine Tour(s)
  • Live Show #80 - May 2012 Ukraine Tour Recap
    Host John Adams is joined in studio by tour client and Current Law Enforcement officer "Joe" and others for a review of the tour. Enjoy great, new video highlights!

  • Watch Show 80 Video

    Russian Women Tours

    If you are truly serious about meeting hundreds of beautiful, sincere women in order to find that special one, then our exciting Singles Tour to Odessa and "The Black Sea Region", anchored by Odessa, and complimented by the beautiful cities of Nikolaev and Kherson, is your answer.

    Russian Women Tours The Odessa tour is unique in that it's actually a three-city tour, priced as a single city tour. No other tour company offers anything similar. We will arrive in the beautiful city of Odessa where you will enjoy the first Social. after three days in Odessa we take a short bus ride to Nikolaev, known as the "City of Brides" where you will experience your second Social. After two more days we take an even shorter ride to Kherson where you will enjoy your third and final Social. After an overnight stay in Kherson the tour will proceed back to Odessa, however since we have full support in both Nikolaev and Kherson you are more than welcome to stay in either location and return to Odessa at a later date.

    The large Socials are very tastefully done and give you the opportunity to meet literally hundreds of these stunning women in a fun, effective and efficient manner.

    The three cities are just a few hours from each other, allowing for easy travel between them. By arranging the tour in this fashion we provide you with the opportunity to explore the three cities and meet the beautiful women who inhabit them.

    Click to view video

    In addition to our large Social gatherings, we provide opportunities for you to meet as many women as possible with One-on-One Introductions via our Odessa office, and the numerous Profiles on file there.

    Russian Women Tours Although these cities have much to offer, Odessa is where the group will be spending the majority of their time. Odessa is home to many beautiful and historic churches and monuments, not to mention the many museums and architectural marvels. You will also discover a flourishing theatre life: there are seven theatres, a philharmonic orchestra, circus, and opera and ballet hall. There is never a shortage of date ideas, the women of Odessa are very proud of their city and serve as excellent tour guides. Visit our Odessa Photogallery to see some of the beautiful places. A Singles Tour to Odessa and its sister cities, Kherson & Nikolaev, is a once in a lifetime opportunity, an opportunity that just may change your life forever!

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    Socials - One social for every city (All one city tours include 2 socials. Two city tours will include two Socials (one each city;) and three city tours will include three Socials etc.) Socials include unlimited contacts/introductions, personal interpreters hors d'oeuvres, refreshments, champagne. Unlimited Introductions from our Hospitality Suite staff during tour dates with women from our database as well as new women who are not yet on the internet. Interpreters available in the Hospitality Suite from 9am to 9pm. Personal interpreters provided free of charge during the social and in the Hospitality Suite. Ongoing Hospitality Service with translators and staff to assist with any logistics, advice, or any needs you may have.

    • Hotel accommodations, including free daily breakfast and other amenities.
    • Transport from airport, hotel, & all AFA events including Socials where necessary.
    • One three-hour guided tour of the first city.
    • Hotel area and orientation walking tours of all cities.
    • Free 3 month Platinum Membership A $150.00 value!
    • Free $100 Express Mail credit, to enhance your correspondence opportunities prior to your trip.
    • Free Fiancee Visa Kit (for U.S. residents only) $89.50 value.

    Our clients say:

    Hi all at AFA!

    I wanted to send this note to really thank all of you for making my first AFA tour a wonderful experience and quite possibly a great success with respect to finding a fantastic lady in Nikolaev -- we are corresponding via email, phone and skype right now and perhaps I will go back very soon to make a formal engagement, meet the parents and get immigration paperwork started...

    I especially wanted to thank Michael Harrison, our tour leader. Mike made this trip, my first, a truly rewarding one. Mike made sure everyone was taken care of, made sure flight arrangements and hotel arrangements went smoothly and was always looking out for each one of us every step of the way. He was always available to us even when it seemed like he might be swamped with requests for date arrangements, securing an interpreter or rounding us all up to make the next bus trip to the next destination. Even when some of us diverted from the tour schedule, Mike made it a point to stay in contact with each of us, not only for details to meet back for the flight back to the states, but to know how things were going with our potential love connections. Mike was truly interested in our personal lives though this experience as well. I can say that I made a few new and great friends on this trip, and Mike Harrison is certainly one of them. I would recommend AFA and Mike as a tour leader to anyone interested in exploring the world of a foreign romance!

    Rob L.

    More tour testimonials →

    Paul Photo Hey Peter, Hope you made it back alight! I gotta tell ya, man ... No one here understands the withdrawals I'm going through .... the place (and, of course) the women are like a drug. You know. I feel now like you are a brother of sorts, kind of like Band of Brothers, just on the other end of the spectrum. Bob Fisher was right, he said and I quote, : "As soon as you touchdown in Vienna, you'll say; oh, what the @#%&!" And that phrase was the first thought in my head when I did.

    Thanks to you and the Odessa AFA staff, I could not have created a better vacation even with my twisted mind :) Mere words cannot describe the affection I have aquired for the city, the country and the people themselves. I really feel as if (this might sound gay, but it's true) I left a big piece of my heart there. I dream of nothing more than going back! Frequent memories of the dinners, the commradary, of course, the romance all invade my day to day thoughts. In fact, the first thing I did on Monday was order Rosetta Stone for Russian. True, there is no hope for me, I should just move there ......

    Really, I want to thank most of all, you. Doing something like this from the start is a little out of my character but you made me and I think all of us feel welcome, relaxed and helped us all have a good time. I especially liked your finesse when we sat wtih Marina, telling her about the bus ride and how I couldn't wait to get back to Odessa to see her. Nice Man! I owe ya. Also, thanks for inviting us to Max's b-day party. Another fun night, never to be forgotten. I guess that is what this letter is .... I could ramble for hours about the fun and laughs I had , but really, this letter is for you.

    Thanks Peter. You deserve all the best!

    I toast you and AFA for providing such an invaluable invitation to fun and love .... Salute!

    On a personal note: Like I've said many times; I went for the party, but got something way better than I could have ever expected! Marina and I speak at least once a day, we write each other via e-mail as much and I'm planning a trip back in January. This girl is absolutely incredible. I have my travel clock still set at Odessa time, around 8 or 9 her time, I'll wonder how she is and then hear the phone ring. I walk around all day thinking of her, her smile and how much, unlike her American counterparts, I have complete trust and faith in her. Whenever I call, I can just hear the excitment in her voice and really that's all I ever need! Much of this I owe to you and AFA. There is some of me in there, of course, but still ... I'd like to buy you guys a round sometime. Thanks again ... let me know if you get this and keep in touch

    Take care, Paul

    I returned from the July 18 Odessa, Nikolaev, and Kherson tour today. I want to take a few minutes to thank you. I know we paid for the tour, but I still want to thank you.
    The reason is because you ( Peter, Steve, Elena Redburn, Max, Nodia, Helen, and others ) did not look at the clients as typical company employees do, but took time and interest to see that all our interests from questions and problems, to advise were taken care of. We were never rushed or put off as most companies do.
    Your company is exceptional in doing business. It functions as a company should, and I would rate your company as one of the Top Five in the World. Please use me as a reference or in any way that I may help represent the endless efforts that you and your employees commit your selves to for the success of your customers.
    By the way, I enjoyed the trip as the best time of my life, and it was due to your efforts and the screening and selection of all your male and female clients. The Hotels had! a commendable staff. Don't forget to compliment the bus driver. He was courteous, professional, safe, and helpful, just as all others in your staff.
    We got to depend on you so much until we really missed your staff at Vienna. It was convenient with the hotel just across the street from the airport. The Ladies were even helpful to us in resolving some travel issues with luggage and directions. The ladies were most courteous and down to earth. Personalities were of the utmost in the world.
    Please do consider adding one day to make two days at Kherson, even adding enough to cover the cost of the bus and driver is well worth it. Many of us wanted another day, some payed more to stay than it would have costed added in the trip, and there would be more success because of the number of serious and committed women in Kherson.
    Please feel free to contact me for any reference that you may want.

    Melvin D. Richardson

    More tour testimonials →

      Odessa Romance Tour Details

      Romance Tours
    Russian Women Tours Latin Women Tours Peru, Latin Women Tours Costa Rica, Latin Women Tours Ukraine Women Tours Thailand, Asian Women Tours
    Philippines, Asian Women Tours Multiple Cities Women Tours

    Discover why more Romance Tour clients place their trust in A Distant Light™ each and every year than any other tour agency!

    Now have all your Romance Tour questions answered by one of our Tour Representatives 7 days a week, from 9AM to 9PM MST, by calling our Tour Info line at (602) 332-7805

    Announcing A Live Telephone Forum
    to Answer YOUR questions about Foreign Brides!

    Be a part of A Distant Light™'s only live telephone discussion group as our panel answers your questions concerning Foreign brides, immigration issues, cultural differences and Foreign marriage services/Singles Tours. Our panel often includes Ms. Jones, Immigration Attorney and Vice Chairperson of the Immigration section of the State Bar of Arizona, John Adams, President of A Distant Light™, Bud Patterson, leading expert and author of Foreign Bride 101, past Romance Tour clients and real Foreign ladies who have married foreign men. You will be joined by up to 100 callers from around the world for an hour or more of informative, current, and important information for anyone considering meeting and marrying a foreign bride. It's free, informative, and fun, so mark it on your calendar and be sure to call in and join the conversation!

    Please join us every Monday evening for our most popular General Q&A conference, Wednesday for the Asian Conference, all Conferences are from 9:30PM to 10:30PM Eastern Time. Thursday for the live webcast, (special time 8:30 PM Eastern Time) Participation is easy and FREE (normal long distance charges will apply). Simply call 1-404-920-6610 and when prompted enter conference code 935905# Once you have joined the conference simply press *1 to join the conversation!

    A Distant Light™
    7227 North 16th Street, Suite 240
    Phoenix, AZ 85020
    (602) 553-8178
    fax (602) 468-1119
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    Ana is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
    Ana, 34

    Claudia Maria is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
    Claudia, 32

    Share With Us

    The services of A Distant Light™ are available to all adult persons of good character, everywhere in the world.  Our prospective foreign bride listings now number more than 37,000, representing some 60 nations. 

    Ladies are welcome to submit their profiles for publication, without charge, on our Web sites.  Gentlemen who want to promote themselves to the ladies can publish their profiles in our magazine. 

    Note: Please be assured that the women featured here are not somehow less accessible than others.  Each dear heart listed with our service wishes for a caring man to share her life.  As such, you needn't hesitate to approach any of the ladies with whom you might be compatible. 

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    Adriana is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
    Adriana, 33

    Beatriz is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
    Beatriz, 40

    Maria is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
    Maria, 31

    AFA Romance Tours

    Plaza San Pedro Claver, Cartagena, Colombia

    A Distant Light™ Romance Tours by A Foreign Affair are extraordinary travel adventures.  Beyond the excitement of exploring faraway places, imagine having a lovely woman like one of those featured here – or one of many hundreds of other beautiful hearts – as your companion and guide.  Consider the possibility of her becoming a lifetime companion.  This could happen for you! 

    If you don't have a special lady in mind to meet, where would you like to go exploring?  To find which of our tours appeals to you most, begin at the Romance Tours Index.  If you've chosen a foreign sweetheart who lives far from any of our Romance Tours destinations, or you prefer to meet independently, we can provide Travel Information to help facilitate your meeting. 

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    Luz is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
    Luz, 40
    Planeta Rica

    Giovanna is a beautiful woman of Peru.
    Giovanna, 37

    Yoleida is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
    Yoleida, 31

    Two Foreign Sweethearts

    Maria is a beautiful woman of Colombia.

    As you know, children can be one of life's greatest rewards.  Certainly, you shouldn't rule-out any prospective foreign bride just because she is childless, for together you could do something about that.  But neither should you exclude her just because she already has children, for together you could form an instant family!  That could benefit you in several ways.  Consider having two, or more, foreign sweethearts. 

    An intercultural relationship may not be for everyone.  Yet, if you will invest the necessary time, effort and money into a relationship, and be reasonably flexible, tolerant and patient, your chances of finding happiness with a foreign bride are good.  Whichever path you choose, our wish for you is that your journey will be pleasant and that you will find, in life, everything that you seek. 

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    Saby is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
    Saby, 31

    Silvia is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
    Silvia, 41

    Yovana is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
    Yovana, 31

    Nubia is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
    Nubia, 38

    International Introduction Service Q & A

    Foreign Courtship Advice and Recommendations From the Editors of A Distant Light™

    Q: To a prospective foreign bride who doesn't specify an age preference, how much of an age difference might customarily be acceptable? 

    A: Surveys have shown that when considering age apart from other factors, 98 to 99 percent of single Ukrainian women and single Russian women seeking marriage would readily accept a partner as much as ten years their elder.  The rate of such ready acceptance among women of the former Soviet Union declines to 50 percent as age disparity increases to 15 years. 

    In predominantly Buddhist cultures of the Far East, as for example in Thailand, elder persons are revered for their accumulated wisdom.  So, some of the single Asian women seeking marriage, in particular, might accept or even welcome somewhat greater age disparities. 

    For an international introductions agency to promote so-called May–December romances might be good for business, in the short term, but would it be good for you?  For the prospective foreign bride?  Around here, we believe that what's best for business is the long-term success of your intercultural relationship.  So, rather than encourage a fifty-year-old man to pursue, say, Colombian single women in their twenties, or a man of forty to chase single Latin women still in their teens, we would respectfully suggest that you listen to your own voice of reason and common sense. 

    If you don't fully recognize the value in this, you might find it helpful to read A Long Way to Go for a Date, by Henry Makow.  The outcome of Mr. Makow's real-life personal adventure may surprise you.  Find it listed under Foreign Bride Resources, below.) 

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    Muriel is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
    Muriel, 31

    Livia is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
    Livia, 41

    Libia is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
    Libia, 38

    Martha is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
    Martha, 40

    Omaira is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
    Omaira, 34

    Gloria is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
    Gloria, 30

    Lila is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
    Lila, 34

    Foreign Bride Resources

    A foreign sweetheart is more likely to become the foreign bride of a gentleman who demonstrates an interest in, and some knowledge of, her native culture.  A Lonely Planet ® Travel Survival Kit™ (right sidebar) can be helpful.  Besides the practical advice for travelers, they provide some historical background and discuss relevant social, political and economic aspects of modern society. 

    Joel Crohn

    Henry Makow

    Dugan Romano

    Lynn Visson

    You can benefit from the experiences (both good and bad) of others, in the pursuit of intercultural relationships, by referring to these worthwhile additional foreign bride resources.  And remember, at A Distant Light™ we're here to help!  You can contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or postal mail, or visit us (no appointment is necessary during regular business hours) at any of the AFA offices worldwide. 

    Premiere Site

    And for an uplifting example of romance gone right, take time to enjoy the Web site of Jeffrey and Emelda Hollis.  Screenwriter Jeff's engaging stories of courtship and marriage with Emelda (who is absolutely adorable) will touch your heart. 

    Jeff & Emelda: A Love Story
    Marriage Can Be a Trip
    Immigration Diary
    J and E vs Maury Povich
    Emelda in America
    The Woman of His Dreams

    "Relationships are like Rome – difficult to start out, incredible during the prosperity of the 'Golden Age' and unbearable during the fall.  Then a new kingdom will come along and the whole process will repeat itself – until you come across a kingdom, like Egypt, that thrives and continues to flourish.  This kingdom will become your best friend, your soul mate and your love." 

    — Helen Adams Keller


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    Astrud Gilberto's Finest Hour  (Verve)
    Hear Astrud Gilberto's music now, at Amazon.com!

        This popular American singer and songwriter of German and Brazilian descent is admired by generations of music lovers everywhere.  Her name is practically synonymous with the bossa nova style of her native Brazil, and her endearing voice can be one of the most seductive on the planet. 
        Yet, there is more to be said of this remarkable woman, of which you may have been unaware.  She is also a talented graphic artist.  Through sales of the reproductions and prints of her original artworks (which can make unforgettable gifts, especially when signed by the artist herself), she supports efforts to protect animals from mistreatment. 
        Please see the charming (if, at times, necessarily intense) Web pages that have been created, with love, by this profoundly beautiful human being, 

    –––––––—Ms. Astrud Gilberto—–––––––

    [The Editors of A Distant Light™ are privileged to express our appreciation of Ms. Gilberto and her work.  Ms. Gilberto is not a participant in our service.]

       A Distant Light™
    ———–– "Sea of Love" ––———
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    "It CAN be Daybreak!"

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     For Lee and Phyllis 
    forever in our hearts
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